management structure & services.
The TMO currently employs three members of staff, the Estate Manager and the estate cleaner. A contractor is responsible for responsive repairs and void works.
Our responsibilities under the management agreement with the Council are set out in detail in Appendix 2 but essentially are as follows:
Our Organisation
Ensuring effective governance of the TMO including increasing membership, board membership and sustainability, accountability, and an effective split between governing and operational activities;
Consulting and involving residents through meetings, surveys, newsletters, and events to ensure that the services we provide meet their needs;
Managing the TMO’s finances effectively and reporting to our membership, Companies House, and Westminster City Council in accordance with the Management Agreement;
Providing an estate based office;
Maintaining an efficient, effective, motivated staff and contractor team;
Effective management of contractors and ongoing assessment of value for money;
Providing monitoring reports to Westminster City Council as required;
Ensuring regular satisfaction surveys are carried out and results analysed, reported back to residents and acted upon;
Producing an Annual Report to all residents on our performance across all areas;
Working with other agencies and community groups to identify and address the needs of our community.
Our Services
Managing responsive repairs and maintenance, including heating and hot water repairs up to £5,000 per repair;
Out of hours emergency service;
Pest control;
Older people discretionary decorations;
Providing a cleaning service;
Maintaining the garden and grounds;
Maintenance of door entry and CCTV systems;
Maintenance of the automatic barrier system;
Managing and preparing void properties for re-letting up to £5,000 (not including decent homes works);
Identifying the need for major works and lobbying Westminster City Council to programme these works;
Dealing with tenancy management issues including investigation into complaints of anti-social behaviour, unlawful occupancies, breach of tenancy or lease agreement, residents disputes, and referring the matter to Westminster City Council for further action when appropriate;
Carrying out tenancy checks;
Processing mutual exchanges;
Letting empty properties in accordance with the Council’s Allocation Scheme;
Providing an initial meeting with the TMO Manager for all new tenants regarding tenancy rights and responsibilities and TMO membership and participation;
Processing parking permits.
The Council retains responsibility for:
Enforcement action for anti-social behaviour, unlawful occupancies, breach of tenancy or lease agreement, including legal action where necessary;
Rent collection and arrears control;
Setting rent levels;
Leaseholder’s service charge billing, collection, and arrears control.
Maintaining the structure of the buildings;
All repairs over £5,000;
Lift maintenance;
Programming, commissioning, and undertaking major works, including Decent Homes works;
Refuse collection;
Tree maintenance.