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The Hide Tower 100s

On Tuesday, March 1st, 2022, the residents of Hide Tower came together to celebrate three of its longer term residents who'd all reached - and surpassed - their 100th birthdays!

Mr Jack Fisher and Mrs Rose Fisher have lived in Hide Tower for 57 years. Rose has lived in Regency Street all her life, and Jack was a founding member of Hide Tower Resident Management Board.

Miss Winifred Long has been a tenant of Hide Tower since 1969.

Westminster City Council marked these auspicious centenary celebrations by planting a cherry tree with a commemorative plaque in the Hide Tower gardens.

Here are all three together, along with the Lord Mayor of Westminster - Councillor Andrew Smith, and Councillor David Harvey - Westminster City Council's Cabinet Member for Housing Services, local ward councillors, and care staff:

And here's Jack giving us all a speech:

There was a great turnout, and a lovely spread was put on by Hide Tower staff and committee members.

In all, it was such a positive and uplifting event, and we thank all who attended and took part in the organisation of it.

Congratulations Jack, Rose, and Winifred!


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