Residents vote yes to the RMB
The five-year ballot was an overwhelming vote in favour of Hide Tower continuing to be resident managed.
The ballot was run by Westminster City Council on our behalf.
Out of 184 eligible voters comprising of 125 tenants and 59 leaseholders, we received 102 returned ballot papers from 67 tenants and 35 leaseholders. This results in 55% of all residents voting, with a 100% of voters in favour of the continuation of the RMB.
Huge thanks to everyone who took the time to vote.
The committee are now moving forward to recruit a replacement for Pauline who will be retiring on the 20th of May.
We bid farewell to long standing committee members
In this time of change for the RMB, 4 long time members are standing down.
Marguerite Weldin has served as Secretary since 2005, and she has been very active with organising social events, assisting with hiring of the hall, and distributing RMB communications.
Maureen Stephenson has been on the committee since 2012, serving as chair from 2013 – 2019, and as Vice Chair from September 2019 - March 2022. She has been a loyal and active member of the committee, assisting and helping wherever she was needed.
We are also losing Liam Stephenson and Tabitha Mclean.
We thank them all for their time and commitment to the RMB.
On the plus side we have gained 5 new members who answered our call for new members to join in February, so we welcome, Rodrigo Zanetti, Brian Abel, Sarah Gilbert, Katarina Mutic and Fatima Matoq.
Celebration Party for Hide Tower’s Oldest residents
On Tuesday 1st March the residents of Hide Tower came together to celebrate three of its longer-term residents who had all reached and surpassed their 100th birthdays.
Jack and Rose Fisher have lived in Hide Tower for 57 years.
Miss Winifred Long has also lived in the block since 1969.
Westminster City Council marked these auspicious centenary celebrations by planting a cherry tree with a commemorative plaque in the Hide Tower Garden
Goodbye Message from Pauline
After 22 years of working in Hide Tower I feel it is time for me to retire as manager. This job has been a huge part of my life and I have enjoyed my time and the opportunities it has afforded me. I have been lucky to have met some lovely people in the block. I believe that Hide Tower has a strong community, the people really care about where they are living, and look out for their neighbours. I know that I am going to miss this place but am looking forward to an easier and more leisurely pace of life. I would like to thank the committee for their support over the years and to thank residents for their kindness and good will towards me.
I wish the new manager every success in taking over and wish everyone well going forward.
Reminders for Residents Old and New:
Repair Surveys
When you have requested a repair to be carried out you will be asked to complete a questionnaire about the work. Please do complete these and return them to the Ground floor office as they are essential in helping us to monitor our contractors and to ensure they are providing the best possible service and value for money. They will also be forwarded to Westminster Council As a thank you, Westminster Council will hold a prize draw every 3 months and will send a £50 gift voucher to four residents who have returned the survey.
Rubbish Disposal
We would like to remind residents that if you are unsure that your rubbish will fit in the rubbish chute, please take it down stairs to the bins. Always condense your rubbish as much as you can by folding any boxes or packaging.
Do not leave bags of rubbish on the landing. Remember to use the recycling bins in Hide Place to recycle your paper, cardboard, glass, cans, plastic bottles etc. These items should not be disposed of in the rubbish bins. Recycling bags are available at the office.
If you are a smoker, please do not throw your lighted cigarettes from the balcony as this is potentially dangerous and could be responsible for causing a fire.
Please use ashtrays at all times.
The Garden and Dogs…
We hope residents will enjoy using the garden this summer.
We would ask that whilst using the garden to be aware that noise travels upwards and can cause a nuisance to residents living on that side of the building.
We would ask residents and your visitors to be considerate and always keep the noise down.
We also remind you that in the interest of health and safety we do not allow dogs to be taken in the garden.
Hide Tower RMB wish all residents a Happy Easter

The office will be closed the week prior to the Easter bank holiday, from Monday 11th April until Thursday 19th April. If you have an urgent repair or query during this time, then ring the office number 020 7630 1129 and the call will be diverted to a remote service who will assist you.
In the event of an out of hours emergency, please contact
Westminster Emergency Services on 0207 286 7412